RefrigiWear doesn’t just help protect your people. We help protect your perishable products.

Every day, some 276 million meals are consumed away from home in the U.S. alone. This only happens with the work of Broadline Foodservice Distributors.

Broadliners serve restaurants, fast food chains, grocery stores, nursing homes, hospitals and more by purchasing, storing, selling, and delivering tens of thousands of products. There are more than 15,000 Broadliners operating warehouses and transportation fleets. Each of those companies can serve anywhere from 1,000 to 6,000 accounts from a single location, offering more than 10,000 items to meet their client’s needs.1

Protect Temperature-Sensitive Products

For broadliners, RefrigiWear’s line of insulated bags, blankets and pallet covers provide peace of mind when it comes to protecting temperature-sensitive products.

Our products can help prevent product degradation and loss during storage and transportation.

Insulated Pallet Covers and Bags are great for protecting a product like ice cream, which is stored at -15°F, but when placed on a 0°F truck will increase in temperature. By placing the ice cream under a pallet cover or in a bag, the rise in temperature is much slower and degradation is minimal.

Insulated Blankets are beneficial to protect product stacked against bulkheads and as a divider when product at different temperatures is stacked on one pallet.

Avoid Waste & Product Degradation

About 25% of all food products transported in the cold chain are wasted each year due to breaches in integrity leading to fluctuations in temperature and product degradation.2

With RefrigiWear’s line of insulated products, we can find a solution for any application. Even if something doesn’t fit just right, we’re the experts in customizing products to fit your needs.

Our insulated pallet covers are great for protecting pallet-load quantities of all perishable products which include produce, dairy or frozen products. Insulated pallet covers can provide an extra layer of protection on single-temp or multi-temp trucks as well as provide protection for products stored against a bulkhead. When less than pallet-load quantities are placed on the truck, our insulated bags are ideal.

During deliveries, some stops only need one or two single items rather than a whole case. This is where the driver balances those individual items on top of boxes on a hand truck, which can lead to product damage if it falls off or makes for more trips to the truck.

Our Insulated Hand Truck Pouch attaches to any hand truck and can easily fit loose products, paperwork, pens, scan gun and a clipboard. This pouch can save you time and money on every delivery and should be on every hand truck pouch.


2Dr. Jean Paul Rodrigue and Dr. Theo Notteboom. “The Cold Chain and Its Logistics”, 2013